Compliance audit - employment of children in equestrian industry

This announcement is for: 
Employee / workerEmployer

In September 2018, Private Sector Labour Relations conducted an education campaign promoting compliance by horse riding schools and equestrian centre businesses with the child employment provisions in the Children and Community Services Act 2004.

Over 150 businesses across Western Australia were provided with information on child employments laws for this industry.  The Children and Community Services Act 2004 (CCS Act) prohibits children under 15 working in horse riding schools and equestrian centres.  These child employment laws apply to all Western Australian employers. 

Following the education component of the campaign, selected businesses are now being audited by industrial inspectors from Private Sector Labour Relations to ensure that children are not being employed or otherwise engaged in breach of the CCS Act.

Visit the Employment of children laws in WA – horse riding schools and equestrian centres page for information on the compliance campaign and the laws on employing children in this industry.

Labour Relations
Department News
31 Oct 2018

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