Workplaces reminded to stay safe in lead-up to festive season

This announcement is for: 
Employee / workerEmployer

WorkSafe has issued a reminder to workers to stay focused on safety in the lead-up to the festive season.

WorkSafe WA Commissioner Ian Munns said today both employers and workers needed to pay particular attention to staying safe before and after Christmas.

“As we head towards the end of the year and the festive season, it’s timely to remind both employers and workers of the need to remain vigilant where workplace safety is concerned,” Mr Munns said.

“Three Western Australian workers have died so far this financial year as a result of work-related incidents, and even one death is one too many.

“The first of these took place at a minesite in the Pilbara in August and the other two just this month in the forestry and construction industries, illustrating the fact that serious incidents can happen in any industry.

“Both employers and workers can feel pressured to complete projects or tasks before taking a break for the festive season, but safe work practices should not be sacrificed in the process.

“Trying to get things done quickly can result in a lack of attention to detail, and one moment of inattention can easily lead to tragedy, with the impact being felt throughout the workplace, family, friends and the community.

“Similarly, it’s all too common for workers to remain in “holiday mode” after the festive season, so I appeal to everyone to make safety the top priority across the festive season.”

Further information on workplace safety and health can be obtained by telephoning WorkSafe on 1300 307877 or on the website at

Media Contact: Caroline De Vaney, 6251 2363 or 0408 927563 (media enquiries only)
Follow @WorkSafeWA on Twitter

Media release
29 Oct 2018

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