Building Summits


summit_collage_-_copy.jpg, by aiannuzzi
Building Summit 2016

Two Building Summits held on 9 August 2016 and 2 February 2016 provided opportunities for the Western Australian building industry and local and State government agencies to identify new red tape reductions and ways to streamline regulatory requirements for the construction of new homes, residential renovations and commercial construction.

Building Summit August 2016

The State’s second Building Summit held on 9 August 2016 was an opportunity for the building industry and local and State government agencies to progress major reforms to improve the efficiency, productivity and consistency of the Western Australian building industry. Specific topics discussed were electronic enablement in the building industry, engineering standards, and the implementation of bushfire reforms.

August 2016 Building Summit video

Information on the Building Summit

Building Summit February 2016

The State’s first ever Building Summit on 2 February 2016 was an opportunity for the Western Australian building industry and local and State government agencies to identify new red tape reductions and ways to streamline regulatory requirements for the construction of new homes, residential renovations and commercial construction.

February 2016 Building Summit video


Information on the Building Summit

Media statement: Government reinforces support to building industry PDF
Building Summit background paper PDF
Building Summit agenda PDF
Building Summit snapshot PDF

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